Prime Number 23!

It's ya Birthday!

Okay so guess who turned 23 on Wednesday (August 14th) that's right..I did! And although I know every birthday    I get to see is a blessing getting older is  something I have yet to come to terms with, that sounds crazy I know lol. 

Anyway I ended up going out to eat with some of my family and my two closest friends, my Best Friend Anna and my great Friend Andrea. I  enjoyed myself  even though our food wasn't what we expected (well at least not mine anyway)

After that my friends and I got a room and had a girls' night where we caught up on life, blasted the music so loud we got a noise complaint, laughed excessively and used way too many curse words matter of fact we were just all around Ratchet, Duck lips included!

Ratch·et//  A ghetto girl who is loud and obnoxious 


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